trademark registration office

Trademark Registration Office in Hyderabad

In general terms, a trademark is a logo or a brand that differentiates your goods and services from that of your competitors. It is a unique expression, which protects your business’s essentials by restricting other people from using it for gaining purposes. For example, the logo of ADIDAS and its tagline IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING is a registered trademark. Trademark owners have an exclusive right under the Trademark Act of India. The owner can sue and claim to recover damages for the infringements of the trademark.

Use of TM, SM and ® symbols

‘TM’ stands for Trademark and ‘SM’ stands for Service mark. The use of TM and SM symbols notifies the public that the company is claiming exclusive ownership of the trademark and can generally be used by one who has filed a trademark application.

The ® symbol, can be used only once the trademark is registered and the registration certificate is issued. Also, you may use the registration symbol only in connection with the goods and/or services in respect of which the trademark is registered.

What can be registered as a trademark?

Name, word, symbol, colour, phrase, shape, signature, letters, slogans, surname, packaging can be trademarked which rightly gives an unique image of the company, brand or individual that separates the product or services of one trader from the other. Anything that gives a distinct identity to the product and services which thereafter distinguishes one trader from the other.

What if the trademark is taken?

No need to worry. If your trademark brand name is taken, you can prepare a Logo Composite Mark by combining your logo and your name, and apply as one. This is a common strategy used to apply for a trademark, even if the trade name itself has been taken.

Who can apply for trademark registration?

Any person who claims to be the owner of a trademark, he/she needs to submit the application mentioning the related goods and services associated with the company.

  • Reasons to register for trademark registration office in Hyderabad are:
  • Protecting a trademark is very important. If another Company is using a similar name or design for the product then this will cause the confusion among customers and it will ultimately dilute the brand.
  • If the brand is not registered and the other person uses the same name or logo then one has to redo all the business cards, stationery, etc. The person has to change the domain name also.
  • In this process changing name or business because the other person is using that, it will cause confusion among the customers and you will lose your customers.
  • Without trademark registration office in Hyderabad registration, one could not expand outside the original business.
  • If anyone else uses your registered Trademark, then he will be considered as a wilful infringer, and you will be entitled to monetary damages.

Trademark registration office in Hyderabad (Process)

Registration of the trademark with the help of our consultancy in Trademark registration office in Hyderabad. First of all,

STEP 01: Form filling

  • You need to fill a simple form by providing some information about the applicant like name, address, etc. The form will let us know for whom the trademark application Select the appropriate state and then click the submit option for further progress.
  • The second page is all about the trademark. Trademark Registration starts with the name of the trademark, goes onto basic information and ends up by mentioning for which product or service your trademark will be used. Completing the blanks given, click the next option.
  • Depending upon the nature of your business, a class of the trademark is decided. An appropriate class must be selected according to the essence of your business for your trademark. For this purpose, various classes have been provided in the form. For moving ahead, click on ‘next’.
  • Each package is backed by 100% satisfaction promise money back guarantee. This level provides you with some add-on services. Options for payment are also available. If you have any discount option, you can apply.
  • Once the form has been submitted, you proceed towards the payment gateway. Filling all the details regarding net banking will confirm your package and would lead you to the second step.


After you fill the form at the first stage, we will execute a trademark registration research. It is conducted by our experts. The process enables us to ensure that the logo name filled by you is unique and available. This research usually takes 1 working day from our side.


The govt. has divided the trademarks into 45 categories according to the nature of the business. For example, goods/products come under the ambit of class 1 to class 35 whereas services lie in class 36 to class 45. We suggest the appropriate class for your trademark usually in 1 working day.


Once it is ensured that your chosen name or logo is exclusive, we send you an authorization letter which needs to be signed and sent back to us. Our lawyers file a trademark application on your behalf. We will provide you with the TM number to use. It will take normally take a gap of 2 working days.


Your application will be verified by the trademark office when the application is complete. The govt. can raise an objection if your trademark is similar or hurts any religious sentiments. If no objection has been raised, an advertisement will be published in the trademarks journal. Your trademark gets registered in 1.5-2 years.

Provides you with the consultation. The trademark registration starts at Rs.56650 onwards that includes govt. fees, and service tax also. Our package includes application preparation with name approvals and same day application filling. The icing on the cupcake is that we take 3-4 days, after that the owner can use TM on his/her products or services.

People choose us because we are economical and fast. Moreover, we have more than 10 years of experience. Money back is guaranteed by us.


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